When it comes to instrument repair, you can sometimes get away with using a standard tool to do a different job. But not all the time. Here’s a list of my favorite “nice-to-have” tools:
Dremel Tool
- A Dremel Tool is my go-to for fine cutting, routing, and polishing work. I personally have this Dremel 4000 set on my bench at all times.
- There is no end to the use of files in guitar repair work. From shaping, to cutting, to grinding down something, there is always need for a good file set. I use this 25 pc set in my shop.
Steel Wool
- For polishing and fine sanding work, use 0000 Steel Wool.
Fretboard Radius Sanding Blocks
- When you do a lot of fretboard work, you need a good set of fretboard sanding blocks. They are inexpensive and are very worth it.
Guitar Setup Kit
- You will be doing many setups, so get yourself a good guitar setup kit like this one from StewMac.
Spray Paint Can Trigger
- If you end up doing a lot of painting, a rattle can spray trigger will be a god send for you!
Guitar Cleaning Supplies
- Last, but definitely not least, on this list is this set of guitar cleaning liquids from Dunlop. There may not be anything else that I use more than this ultra handy kit!